- Phil Lawler, Catholicculture.org, 25.03: The Pope and the Murphy case: what the New York Times story didn't tell you
- Sean Murphy, Catholic Education Resource Center, 25.03: A Response to Christopher Hitchens' The Great Catholic Coverup
- Westminsteri peapiiskop Vincent Nichols, 26.03: Child abuse committed within the Catholic Church and its concealment is deeply shocking and totally unacceptable
- John Allen Jr., National Catholic Reporter, 26.03: Keeping the record straight on Benedict and the crisis
- Isa Raymond J. de Souza, National Review Online, 27.03: A Response to the New York Times
- New Yorgi peapiiskop Timothy Dolan, 28.03: Märkused jutlusel, To Whom Shall We Go?
- National Catholic Register, 28.03: ‘The Pope Must Resign’? Bishops Respond
- Isa Thomas T. Brundage, JCL, Catholic Anchor Online, 29.03: Setting the record straight in the case of abusive Milwaukee priest Father Lawrence Murphy
- George Weigel, First Things, 29.03: Scoundrel Time(s)
- James Tillman, Lifesitenews.com, 29.03: Accusations that Pope Complicit in Abuse Cover-Up Fall Flat
- Kardinal William Levada, Catholic San Francisco Online, 30.03 (26.03): The New York Times and Pope Benedict XVI: how it looks to an American in the Vatican
- Isa Joseph Fessio, S.J., Insight Scoop, 09.04: Let's Get the Story Straight: Defrocking and Divorce
teisipäev, 30. märts 2010
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